What can I donate?

What Can I donate to impoverished communities, and animal shelters in Thailand who desperately need support?

Many people ask us, what can I donate? So we made this article to explain that very question. Most donations are distributed in Northern Thailand around Mae Sot, for refugees, then other impoverished areas of Thailand.
The recipients are often homeless, while some live in small wooden housing structures. We also donate to schools and refugee centers in the same area.
The items that are not suitable for the above donations are upcycled to use at local animal shelters, or via other local partners.
Here is a list of items you can donate to Inez Foundation in Thailand. We welcome anything you want to donate, with few exceptions. When possible, we request the following in order to save us sorting time, and to put your donations to best use. 

When Possible, Please Pack Donations into Boxes
When taking items up mountains and remote areas, the best thing is to put in well sealed sturdy boxes labeled with a clear indication of the contents (write on the box, a photo taped on the box, etc.)
We would like to receive most of our donations in boxes with the items sorted when possible. If you do not have a box, that is fine as well, we will still graciously accept your donations.

what can I donate
what can I donate

List of what can you donate

What can I donate? Here comes a list of items you can donate to Inez Foundation in Thailand and how you should pack and donate it. We donated mostly to North Thailand in the Mae Sot area but also in other parts of Thailand. We also donate to animal shelters and local partners that can use items we can not send. Our receiver lives mostly in small wooden houses in the mountains or sometimes they do not even have houses. However, we also donate to schools and refugee centers in the same area. We welcome any donations you want to donate. 

What can I donate?

1. Packed boxes

When taking items up mountains and remote areas the best thing is to put in well sealed sturdy boxes with a clear indication what’s inside like a written note or printed picture on the box. We do have receivers in less remote areas so boxes are not absolute, but we would like to receive some of our donations in boxes with the items sorted if possible.  Before sealing the boxes make sure to check the list below. 

2. Ripped clothes/linens

Ripped clothing/linens can still be donated if the ripp  is small but if the clothing/linens have a big rip please separate it from the other clothing we might still use for recycling donations. 

3. Stained clothes/linens

Clean and whole clothing/linens can still be donated if the stain is small but if the clothing is ripped and has stain please separate it from the other clothing we might still use for recycling donations. 

4. Smelly clothes/linens

If you can not take away the bad smell then do not donate them. Sun, baking soda and vinegar are ways to get rid of the smell. If they do not help then do not donate them as clothes/linens. We can still take them as a donation to recycle them but do not include them in a closed box. 

5. New Items

If the items are as new please include them in a separate bag we might include them in some raffle or sell them at the market. Many communities have raffles or markets where they raise money for students to attend schools. We might also with your permission sell them locally. Please let us know if you do not allow the items to be sold and should just be given away. We always respect the wishes of the donor. 

6. Dirty clothes/linens

Please always make sure your clothing/linens are washed and clean before you donate them. Nobody wants dirty clothing/linens and the dirt might be spreading and create mold or bad smell in the bag. 

7. Shoes 

Tie the shoelaces together or use a plastic strap to put them together. If there is no way to attach them together, use a clear plastic bag so that people can see the shoes before ripping up the bag. If the size is not visible include a sticker or note in the bag with the size in a visible place. Shoes that smell, put them in the sun or washing machine. If they still smell and you can not stand it, just trash them.

donate shoes
donate shoes

8.  Socks

Second hand socks should only be donated if they are very clean and not ripped. Make sure they are in pairs and probably attached together. 

 9. Trash

Please sort your items from the trash, and bring the good stuff in for donation. It takes time and manpower to sort the trash from the valuable items. If you think another man’s trash can be donated but you are not sure, do not include it in a closed box but in a bag or box separately. 

10. Dirty dishes

Please wash the dishes and also wrap them in for example old school books or kitchen towels. Nobody wants to get dirty dishes that can spread diseases. 

11. Chipped/broken dishes (anything glued together is not good)

A small chip is OK but do not give away items that are falling apart or will fall apart when moved. 

12. Heavy Boxes

If you pack a bag or a box make sure it does not break. Also, if you can not lift it then maybe someone else also would have difficulty carrying it up a mountain. Mix the clothing for example so the box does not get too heavy. 

13. Dirty stoves and refrigerators

It is hard to clean these items, charity organizations do not have time or manpower to clean it and the people who get it might not have the right tools to clean it.. Have great respect for their time, money, and the people they help and clean everything before you donate it.  Things that are broken/chipped can be dangerous. Make sure they are not broken before donating them.  

14. Moldy Items

Please do not donate anything that is moldy.  This most often comes in the form of books, but it can be in clothes, linens, or furniture.  Moldy items need to be disposed of properly. In Thailand things easily get moldy if not used or washed for a long time. Make sure they are completely dry before putting them in a bag. 

15. Plugs and adapters

donate adapter
donate adapter

Make sure the item you donate has the right plug or adapter. DIY shops in Thailand or Lazada online are great places to buy a plug or adapter, and they are really cheap, only 25 THB. Do not include electronic items in closed boxes that are missing plugs or adapters. People in remote areas have great difficulties getting adapters and your donation could be useless with the right plug or adapter.  Check here for tips where to buy adapter in Thailand

16. Art

We had a few paintings and art pieces donated to us and the receivers were happy to get them. But please make sure they are not included in a sealed box but donated separately. People living in the jungle have no use for a painting but a school would appreciate an art piece. 

17.  Furniture that is in poor condition

Make sure the furniture has no bugs. You should burn them if they have. Furniture needs to be in good condition (no rips, holes, smells, or stains) if someone is going to want to purchase it.  If you want to be a blessing, donate only furniture that is ready for sale. It costs lots of money and takes space and you should be ok if we sell them locally instead of sending them hundreds of kilometers. We will ask if someone needs it and if nobody wants it we will try to sell it locally. 

18. Dirty toilets, toilet seats, or potty chairs

Make sure it’s sparkling clean. If the toilet is new we can give it for construction. 

19. Electronics that is broken

We can receive donations from broken electronics however we will sell it as scrap if you donate it as broken.  Please let us know if its broken before donating. Do not include it in a closed box. 

20. Scratched DVD’s/Video games

Please test them before giving them away. Please do not include them in a closed box but a separate box or bag, so we can include them in a bigger box. 

21. Anything with leaking battery acid (check your toys)

They do not have any recycle stations for batteries so if you can include a battery charger or battery that could be charged and put it all in a separate box,or bag so we can give it separately for people who have electric/solar power. 

22. Toys missing arms/legs/pieces

The children we give to really do not care if one arm is missing, they do not have toys, and they will find a way to play with it anyway. Just check the toy so it is not dangerous or has an old battery inside. 

23. Coloring books/workbooks that are filled up (or almost filled)

 Coloring books or workbooks that are already written are not good for children. Same with puzzles and games that are not complete. Already filled in books can be donated but it will be given to animal shelters who need paper. You also want everyone to be safe.  Look carefully over the things you donate to make sure they are child-friendly. 

24. Magazines

If you can donate magazines we can take them as well, if they are in good condition with educational content we can put them in Rotary Libraries. If they are in bad conditions we can give them to animal rescue who are always in need of a magazine. 

donate books
donate books

25.  Medicine/ Certain medical devices

Expired and open bottles, open carts of medicine should never be donated please return to the pharmacy or hospital. However, if you have original medication not opened we can give to remote clinics. All working medical devices can be donated like wheelchairs., oxygenate tanks, old glasses etc are most welcomed. 

26. Food

Do not include any food in sealed boxes with other items unless it is a complete set of food and other items for a family for example. But that should be clearly written on the box. Food is best donated separately, and we will make sure it goes to the right person. Do not donate fruit or fresh food unless it’s on the last day before we are leaving. Please ask when we are leaving next time so the food will not expire. 

27. Communication electronics wipe your memory

If you donate phones make sure your memory cards are cleared and the phone is reset before donating. Open the phone so it does not have any swipes or locks but opens without putting any code whatsoever. Do not include notes on how to open the phone, just set the setting to open. Make sure the phone has a working cable or adapter. It is hard to find a cable in remote locations. If you are donating computer modems or routers make sure that they are not locked by your internet provider and that they have the correct adapter. Do not include these things in sealed boxes and donate them separately.  

28. Broken laptops

We have a company that can fix laptops and computers, however if the screen is broken on a laptop there is not much they can do. A laptop without battery or DVD missing can still be used. Do not include these things in sealed boxes and donate them separately.  

29. Camping gear

If an essential part of the tent is missing do not donate it, but the rain cover or tarp can still be used even if the tent is broken. However, if the tent is bought in Thailand most of the tent makers have spare parts so before you donate call them and ask. If you do not know how to do this, you can ask for help. General tent gear needs to be in working condition since they often have no use for it if a part is missing or broken. Do not include these things in sealed boxes and donate them separately, especially if you include a portable stove with gas. 

30. Underwear 

Underwear should be almost new if you donate them, do not put in old underwear that are broken or dirty in the donation. 

What if I have a question?

We hope this have answered the question, what can I donate? If you have any other questions Please use the comment box below, your email will not be shown, we will reply by private email or answer the comment. You can also use the page contact Inez Foundation or contact us on Facebook Inez Foundation. You can make the subject, What can I donate?